This is where time really gets burned!
First, the frontend developer implements a design in HTML. Here template engines like pug/jade or Handlebar/Mustache are used.
First an immense effort is made to simulate authentic content or Ajax accesses.
The integration is then done by splitting the existing sources or compilations and integrating them into Fluid.
Javascript and CSS are copied directly into the sitepackage as a compilation.
And now it starts to grate. The backend developer, for reasons known only to him, change an endpoint for an Ajax access.
This has to be addressed back to the frontend department, there the simulation is adjusted in the frontend and the integrator ports the change (via copy&paste) into the TYPO3.
Yes of course - how else, many developers say here.
What nonsense.
Why don't all competences work together and interlock?
Why can't a frontend developer think a little bit outside the box and consider whether an HTML structure can be implemented in a CMS at all?
Why can't an integrator or backend developer write 8 lines of Javascript to implement an Ajax access?
And why is it necessary to do so much copy&paste for integration?
How about a development environment where frontend, integrator and backend work together? Really together, as a team! And if the integrator sees the code from the backend, he might have a good tip for the frontend.
Or the backend developer learns, by the way, how to make a nice Ajax access.